Master of Arts (Continuing Education)

Music Business & Culture, MA (CE)

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5 semesters

Das Master-Studium

The MA (CE) Music Business and Culture is an international, cutting-edge program that combines all aspects and complexities of the music business sector. The program includes courses on music organizations, music entrepreneurship, music economy, IP law, cultural management, as well as courses on timely issues and challenges the music sector is facing such as gender and intersectionality, sustainability, globalization, the digital shift, and careers.


The program offers a balanced mix of theory and practice, as well as networking opportunities with international experts and practitioners. It is English speaking, low-residency and can be combined with one’s professional career and work path.

Target group

The master's program is aimed at people who already work, or wish to have a career in the music business as entrepreneurs or in music institutions. It is suitable for people with professional training in the broader music sector (e.g. music entrepreneurs, music and theater scholars, music educators, musicians, music producers) or with working experience in a music organization or in a related area (e.g. music archives, music publishers, collecting societies, music media).


Studienplan und Studienschwerpunkte

Music Organisations (Certificate Program)

  • Theories of Cultural Organisations Management
  • Music Organisations Management Practices
  • Music Organisations Communication and Development
  • Audiences and Audience Development

Music and Entrepreneurship (Certificate Program)

  • Structures of the Music Business Sector
  • Law and Regulation in the Music Business Sector
  • Economics of the Music Business Sector
  • Digital Developments in the Music Business Sector

Music, Aesthetics and Society (Certificate Program)

  • Music and Aesthetics in the Cultural Sector
  • Music and Aesthetics in Practice
  • Music and Society
  • Cultural Policy

General (Methods, Master-Thesis, Colloquium, Elective Modul)

  • Methods of Arts and Cultural Studies
  • International case studies in music
  • Master-Thesis and Colloquium on Master-Thesis


Entrance requirements

  • Subject-related degree at least at Bachelor's level (180 ECTS points)
  • Two years of qualified professional experience


EUR 12.000,--


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The University for Continuing Education Krems is the leading public university for continuing education in Europe. As university for continuing education we specialize in enhancing the qualifications of working professionals. The strength of the university is providing university courses that keep pace with the times and are oriented toward current and future societal challenges. Almost 8,000 students are currently enrolled in the University for Continuing Education Krems, more than 30,000 have already completed their studies successfully. The university combines ongoing innovation in research and teaching with the highest standards and holds the seal of quality of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria).


Programs of Study
The University for Continuing Education Krems provides Master’s programs and shorter courses in the following areas:

  • Arts & Culture
  • Building & Environment
  • Digitalization & Sensors
  • Economics & Business Management
  • Education
  • Health & Medicine
  • Law & Administration
  • Media & Communication
  • Migration & International Affairs
  • Psychotherapy & Social Services

Please find our complete study program in our course catalogue.


Universität für Weiterbildung Krems

Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems

Tel.: +43 2732 893-2571