Bachelor of Science

International Business Administration (B. Sc.)

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7 Semester

Das Bachelor-Studium

The world is open to you - the Bachelor's degree program in International Business Administration prepares you for a career in an international company. You will be able to prove your international skills during your semester abroad. There you will learn how international management works by working in an international company. Through the extended practical phases of the project study program, you will gain early insights into international management and work on issues from business practice. As a graduate of the bachelor's program, you will be internationally mobile, have language skills for worldwide use and be able to deal with the challenges of a globalized economy.


  • In seven semesters you will be fit for a career in International Management
  • An obligatory semester abroad is integrated into the program
  • Practical projects and two foreign languages are included into the study program
  • Intercultural skills are intensively trained

Berufsbild und Karrierechancen

Thanks to their sound basic knowledge of business administration and management as well as the practical experience gained in project studies, graduates of the International Business Administration degree program are ideally equipped to work successfully in typical business-related professional fields such as

  • marketing,
  • human resources management,
  • accounting
  • and finance.

Due to the diverse international orientation of the degree course, you also have the best conditions for pursuing a career abroad.

Special features of the degree program

  • Studies can be started in the summer and winter semester
  • Teaching takes place in English
  • Double degree with Dublin Business School (DBS) possible
  • Two practical phases lasting several months in a domestic and foreign company
  • Computer simulations, business games and case studies are firmly integrated into the lessons
  • Integrated semester abroad at one of the many partner universities
  • Language training in Business English and Spanish in cooperation with a professional language school

Studienplan und Studienschwerpunkte

General Professional Competence in Management

  • Principles of Business Administration
  • Principles of Economics
  • Principles of Plannung and Control
  • Principles of Organization
  • Principles of HR and Leadership

Special Professional Competence

  • Principles of Marketing and Sales
  • Management, Accounting and Controlling
  • Investment and Finance
  • Operations Management
  • Economic Policy and Globalization
  • Principles of Business and Tax Law

Occupational Competence

  • Study Project: Marketing
  • Study Project: Cost Accounting
  • Project Study 1 + 2
  • Study Project: Operations Management


  • Semester Abroad

Linguistic Competence

  • Business English I
  • Business English II
  • Business English III
  • Spanisch I
  • Spanisch II
  • Spanisch III

Methodical Competence

  • Research Methods
  • Training in Personal and Social Competences
  • Statistics I + II
  • Business Mathematics
  • Principles of Business Information Technology
  • Bachelors Thesis and Colloquium

Aufnahme und Zugangsvoraussetzungen


  • Entitlement to study according to § 10 BerlHG ( general higher education, , entrance qualification for university of applied sciences or comparable entrance degree) or
  • Possibility of further studies according to § 11 BerlHG
  • University access for vocationally qualified students according to § 11 BerlHG
  • English language skills on level B2 and German language skills on level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages are required.

Tuition Fees:

The tuition fees for the BSP Bachelor of International Business Administration amount to 21.240 euros, to be paid in 36 equal monthly installments of 590 euros in the full-time model. A non-recurrent registration fee of 100 euros is charged as an initial administ-rative enrolment fee. 


Markets are constantly changing. Companies of all sizes and industries must adapt to the changes of globalization in order to remain competitive. To enable you to help solve these challenges and to help shape international markets, the Bachelor's degree program in International Business Administration at the BSP always provides you with a high level of application orientation in addition to a sound academic education.

State of the Art Management Know-how
As a management university, the BSP offers a Bachelor's Degree in International Business Administration with a clear focus on International Management. In modern companies, management is not only a task for the company's management, but management skills are a key quali?cation for all employees. For this reason, the teaching of state-of-the-art management knowledge is a major focus of the IBWL Bachelor's Program.

Mandatory Semester Abroad
New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Sydney, Mexico City and Dublin - these are just some of the places where our students spend their semester abroad. The fifth semester is integrated into the course of study as a mandatory semester abroad. Students are free to choose the location for their semester abroad. Numerous university cooperations and our International Office help in the search for the right university abroad.

Business English and Spanish - Two Foreign Languages Firmly Integrated
162 hours of Business English and 162 hours of Spanish are spread over three semesters and are an integral part of the curriculum. Language training is provided by professional native speakers. This ensures high standards in language training. Intermediate or advanced? No problem, the language courses differentiate according to the level of previous knowledge.

Practical studies - Theory and Practice are not Mutually Exclusive with Us
Theory and practice are closely intertwined in the Bachelor of International Business Administration Program. In two project study phases, you will get to know companies and international management up close and from the inside. You will complete at least one of the project study phases abroad. In addition, you will work on concrete issues during the practice of international management in study projects. In addition, regular lectures and excursions provide insights into everyday international business life.

Business Games and Case Studies: Make Real Decisions in Virtual Companies
Is it better to raise or lower the price? How should the expansion strategy be ?nanced? Should the focus be on quality or on costs? Entrepreneurship is best learned in real decision-making situations. That is why computer simulation, case studies and role plays are integrated into the lessons. Here, situations relevant to practice can be analyzed and business management action options tried out.

Training of "Intercultural Skills“
Working in international teams, on con?ict solutions or on communication techniques - international management and working in international companies does not only require theoretical knowledge. In every job advertisement, so-called "soft skills" are expected in addition to professional competence. As part of a training in intercultural skills, these skills are trained intensively.

One Thing is open to You: The World
As a graduate of the BSP Bachelor's Degree Program in International Business Administration, you will be internationally mobile, have adept language skills and intercultural competencies for worldwide assignments. You will be able to deal with the challenges of a globalized economy.


  • In management training, the BSP promotes the development of business management skills as well as communication, social and behavioral psychology skills. To this end, the Departments of Business Administration/Management and Business Psychology work closely together in teaching and research.
  • In research and teaching, the BSP is characterized by an additional focus on the future field of digital management and the management of digital change.
  • As the BSP itself is a family business, our focus in the training of future managers is particularly on securing company succession.
  • Our guiding principle of studying business class stands for individual support instead of mass study, and our values promote your personal growth during your studies. Your motivation and talents are more important to us than your A-level grades. All degree programs are NC-free.

Double Degree

Double Degree with the Dublin Business School (DBS) or International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS)

At the BSP, students in the Bachelor of International Business Administration program can earn a degree from the DBS or ICMS in addition to their degree at the BSP (Bachelor of Science). By aligning the programs, BSP students have the opportunity to earn not one, but two degrees in the same study period. Students who opt for the double degree with DBS/ICMS will then study at DBS/ICMS in their 5th and 6th semesters, i.e. participate in the final year of study at DBS/ICMS.


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Business Class studieren an der BSP
Die BSP Business and Law School Berlin ist eine Hochschule für Management und Recht. Wir bieten unseren Studierenden ein anwendungsorientiertes Studium, welches eine wissenschaftlich fundierte theoretische Managementausbildung und nachhaltige Praxiserfahrungen aktiv miteinander verbindet.

Studieren in Berlin
Die Siemens Villa im Berliner Bezirk Steglitz bietet Ihnen ein einzigartiges Hochschuldomizil, das seinesgleichen sucht. Die denkmalgeschützte Villa historistischen Baustils wurde zwischen 1913 und 1916 im Auftrag von Friedrich Christian Correns erbaut. Die großzügige Gestaltung der Räumlichkeiten und die dazugehörigen herrlichen Parkanlagen bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, mitten in Berlin dem Hauptstadttrubel für einige Stunden zu entfliehen und sich in Ruhe Ihrem Studium zu widmen.

Die Weltstadt Berlin ist eine der schönsten und aufregendsten Städte zum Studieren. Das junge und vitale Stadtleben Berlins setzt europäische Maßstäbe für urbane Entwicklung und Kreativität. Hinzu kommt die geschichtsträchtig-preußische Umgebung der Hauptstadtregion mit derbrandenburgischen Landeshauptstadt Potsdam.

Die BSP liegt in einer der ruhigeren Gegenden der Stadt, dem Bezirk Steglitz im südlichen Berlin unweit des Botanischen Gartens, mit guter Verkehrsanbindung und mit kurzen Wegen ins Stadtzentrum. Die Hauptstadtregion gilt alsprosperierende Wirtschafts-region mit namhaften Firmen, vielen kreativen Start-ups, Verbänden und Institutionen, die spannende Projekt-studienstellen vergeben.


BSP Business and Law School - Hochschule für Management und Recht

Calandrellistraße 1-9
12247 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 / 76 68 37 5-100